Celebrate Everyone’s Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man! - August 1st

In 1962, Stan Lee debuted Spider-Man to the world! In 1963, Spidey got his very own comic book – and the world was never the same. August 1st is every Spider-Man fan’s gift and our curse – to celebrate National Spider-Man Day! While we are in the business of decking out every man, woman and child (and dog!) we can in their web slinging crusader get-up of choice, we all know (thanks to Uncle Ben) that ‘With great power, comes great responsibility’. So in tribute to this day, we share with you, what we believe to be, The Top 5 Coolest Facts about our ‘friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man’!
1. Ground Breaking Character Cool Fact:

2. Comic Book Spidey Cool Fact:
3. Spidey on the Big Screen Cool Fact:

4. Spidey Hits Broadway Cool Fact:

Jump online and check out our huge range of Spider-Man & Spider-Girl costumes for the whole family and have some fun this National Spider-Man Day! To help you celebrate – we are offering 20% off all MARVEL costumes and accessories between 1/08/2020 – 7/08/2020 – Just apply the code SPIDEY20 at checkout and keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram for your chance to win the NEW Spider-Man Venomized Deluxe Costume for Kids (size 5-7 years). Most importantly – have fun, be safe and stay well.

- BizWisdom Collaborator