Host An Isolation Party To Remember!

Host An Isolation Party To Remember!

Who would have thought at the start of 2020 that we would be in the situation we’re in? Did you ever think that terms like ‘Self Isolation’ and ‘Social Distancing’ would become go-to phrases in our vocabulary or on our google search??

Over the past few months, we have all banded together (separately) and self-isolated, kept our distance and washed our hands – A LOT! This has had varying levels of difficulty for people… the introverts are loving themselves sick with all their quiet, solitary Christmases coming at once! Happy to stay in, read, sleep, day drink or take full advantage of their unlimited data. Those poor extroverts though – spare a thought for those poor socialites sitting at home starved of personal contact, counting down the hours until they get to hug their friends and be endearingly oblivious to the personal space of their nearest and dearest.

But what about those, be them introvert or extrovert, who have made it through these months of lockdown, restrictions and isolation and during that time, have ‘celebrated’ a birthday or significant occasion?

While we finally see restrictions starting to ease and we can start to look forward to meeting with our closest friends and family within the parameters set out for us – many of us still want to celebrate with a large group, or help the little people in our lives (who have no doubt been counting down to this birthday for the last 362 days) see their friends, celebrate with them and be sung Happy Birthday to, loud and blissfully off key. AND WE CAN! Let’s turn our lemons into lemonade and make this year’s celebration one to remember by getting online and throwing a Virtual Party!

Here it is – your 3-step guide to embracing the environment we find ourselves in for this year’s celebration, staying home without missing out on the fun:

  1. Know your platform: Get yourself online and find the platform for your party that is going to work for you. Make sure it allows you to accommodate the number of guests you are inviting. There are so many Apps & Websites to choose from. If you are really tech savvy and you can get set up on multiple devices and you can have even MORE guests online to sing to the birthday boy or girl!
  2. Gather your gang: We live in a tech savvy world so look to your mobile phone or computer to send an E-Vite!  Time, date, dress code or theme (we will get to this!)
  3. Plan your theme: Let everyone know if there is a theme or a dress code for some extra fun! Maybe make a competition out of it! Of course, for some people, just the opportunity to see the faces and hear the voices of their loved ones (especially after what may have been an extended period having NOT seen them) is enough. BUT young kids (and TBH – the young at heart!) love nothing more than to get dressed up! Superheroes, Princesses, Tiger King, Stranger Things or your favourite character… the choices are endless!

These are the 3 bases you need covered – of course you can build on this to make it more elaborate OR keep it as simple as you like! Depending on your location and what restrictions in your area allow – you may be able to arrange a contactless drop off.  For the kids the best part of a birthday party is the lolly bag – so why not drop these party favours to your guests’ front doors before the big bash?

Considering we have not seen anything like this in our lifetime – and fingers crossed we never do again, it is certainly safe to say 2020 has ensured that if you have had or are having a celebration soon… you won’t be forgetting this year any time soon. Sing loud, laugh hard and make sure that Covid-19 doesn’t take away from someone’s special day!

Stay safe, stay well and remember we are all in this together.

Celebrating with you,

The Costume Super Centre Team

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